An appeal to whom it may concern including Mr President of India.

Through social networks, I am praying to all Indians. to look into the matters. The matters posted here are also posted in different social media, to the news media, dignitaries, ministers. We want to save men’s health. Men’s health is what he feels, forced to watch, what is his problem in social life and what makes him a criminal and lawbreaker. (All Images are available in Google search and taken from Google)

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We find the UN is Men’s enemy.

Some people say,” my body is my choice”. If a dog bites you because of your appearance, You have to keep quiet. Do not complain. The reason behind this is the viewer’s visual stimuli you are attacking with your appearance. Suppose you meet an accident. Should passers-by leave you bleeding on the road? What do you expect? We expect someone helps you. You can not live by your own choice.
The law of the land wants its citizen to abide by the rules. It punishes the lawbreaker.

You are forced to live abiding by the law. No country ever let you live by your freedom. Your own choice can’t hurt the people around you. Nor even a woman can tell she is the decision-maker of her pregnancy whether she should abort or not. The reason is she belongs to a family of many members. Her well being cost others bear the expenses of money. If she does not take her husband’s permission, her husband is not a party to give her money and other provisions. So It is the foolish word the feminists are spreading. Feminism is a cancer of society.

What you wear tells about your social status, whether you are a prostitute or CEO of a corporate house. Society never put the same values on every human. A porter is not equal to a doctor; a prostitute never gets honour like a professor or a corporate CEO.
Those women bare their breasts, thighs, vagina- society call them prostitutes. Prostitutes may earn millions, but her money can not give her honour remains a prostitute till she dies.

When men come to public space- in offices, in performance stages, in festivals or fairs, they are well dressed, from neck to toes, their dress covers their skin. They show how finest, powerful their talent and action can be in their performance.